CC's Random Thoughts
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CC's Tweets
Saturday, October 30, 2004
It was a BLAST!
Current mood:
My costume was SUCH a hit! I was spooking people left and right!
Here's some of the feedback I'd gotten about my costume:
(soft chuckle) That's just too cute."
"That's CRAZY!"
(This was when I was in the restroom fixing my wig) "Someone TOLD me we had the girl from The Ring. I just had to come and see for myself." Then I did the creepy crawl from the shoulders up. She squealed and ran out the door :-).
"You look FABULOUS! I love it!"
One person even had to come up to me and peek through the hair so she can see who I was. She said if she could see my face, she wouldn't be scared of me anymore :-).
I wore thin slippers with the costume and I was just shuffling at work the whole day :-). If you saw me only from the waist up, it looked like that gliding effect you saw in movies :-). And I was so QUIET too, that was the best part.
My favorite place to spook people was the bathroom. I was in there often, trying to fix my wig (by the end of the day the wig was getting to be more trouble than it was worth :-)). People would walk in and they would be so visibly startled. "...You SCARED me!"
I also did some of my best scaring around corners :-). Someone would turn a corner and run into me and you can actually SEE them stiffen that first second :-).
The company was giving out gift certificates for prizes, but that was for the call center. I won the corporate prize: 36 hot dogs and buns :-).
I had SO much fun with it that when the workday was done and Steve picked me up, I told him, "Let's go spook people some more!"
So we decided to go into a KFC and order takeout :-).
Oh MAN that was great :-). We went in there and stood in line just like everyone else. Then at some point the people in front of us turned and while I couldn't see their reaction with all that hair in front of my face, Steve said all of a sudden people moved BACK. I had NOTICEABLY much more personal space than the average person in a line :-). I even saw myself on the KFC security video over the counter. I had to keep from laughing, I looked SO much like the real thing :-).
In other news, I also got my Chobits DVD set today! YAY
Posted by Unknown |
2:13 AM |

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