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Monday, November 15, 2004
Sunday at the Mall
Current Mood:
The only things we had planned for Sunday were go to church, get Steve's hair cut, and get gas for the truck. So we decided we'd go to the mall--we haven't been there in a while.
We went to The Body Shop cause we needed to get some Tea Tree Oil for our skin. While browsing at the other products, we came across this massager that felt SOOO good and SOOO natural. At $8.00, it was a steal!

We didn't get the massage oil; just the massager was enough. Now that I think about it, we should've gotten two massagers--one for each hand :-).
The massager works SO well that Steve said we'd name our kids after the person who invented this thing. I said, showing the massager to him, "But honey, the only thing written here is a stock number."
"Then we're naming our kids
When you look at the design, it looks kind of weird--two ends are closer to each other than the other two. But trust me, it works :-). Steve says it's the most valuable piece of wood we've got in the house right now :-).
We also saw an ad in the paper about the Iris Chamber Orchestra performing on Dec. 4 and 5. They're doing Beethoven's 9th! We checked out the ticket prices for the Saturday and Sunday , but they were expensive-- $45 a shot. I said we probably couldn't afford that.
THEN Steve found a link to their dress rehearsal. If we're willing to watch them do just a dress rehearsal of the concert, general admission tickets are only $10 each.
Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" performed by a chorale and chamber orchestra for $10? You bet :-)!
Posted by Unknown |
5:05 AM |

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