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Saturday, February 19, 2005

Short flamenco lesson

Current Mood:

Ever wondered what Flamenco looks like? Would you like to actually TRY a little flamenco? I found a site that'll give you a short Flamenco lesson (you'll need RealPlayer to play it) :-).

Let's start with a foot sequence :-):

El Baile Flamenco - click on the link that says "foot exercise" (or "ejercicio de pies" if the page loads in Spanish).

Got it? Now let's make things just a WEE bit more complicated by mixing the foot sequence you just learned with arm movements this time :-):

El Baile Flamenco - click on the link that says "dance" (or "Baile" if the page loads in Spanish).

I know--after I watched it I said to myself, "..uh...I'm going to need a LOT of practice to be that coordinated :-)."

Posted by Unknown | 4:57 PM | 0 Comments |
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