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Friday, March 25, 2005
A Knight's Tale
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Last night Steve and I watched A Knight's Tale. I love watching the extra features--you learn so much more about the movie and the cast and the production :-).
For example, if you've seen the movie, you might remember the swordfighting contest scene. Geoffrey Chaucer is introducing the hero, Sir Ulrich, and at the end of his speech the crowd just falls silent. After a second or two, one of Sir Ulrich's other varlets starts to cheer and the rest of the crowd follows.
That wasn't part of the script :-). They filmed in the Czech Republic and the crowd didn't understand English--they didn't know WHEN to cheer :-). As a matter of fact, while Chaucer is giving his introduction, two women in the crowd prematurely raise their hands :-).
The director said they were going to do the scene over, but then he realized that it would be funnier to keep that as part of the movie :-).
Posted by Unknown |
5:39 AM |

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