CC's Random Thoughts
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Friday, July 01, 2005
Spoonful of sugaaaarr...
Current Mood:
One of the guys I work with, Kevin, made a funny remark about me one day. He was talking about how, after a 3 day weekend, the day was going by very slowly for him.
I replied, " least it's closer to Friday."
Then he looks at me and in classic deadpan style, says to me, "What is with you and this 'glass half-full' thing? I'm sitting here, perfectly content in my griping and complaining, then you come along with your spoonful of suggaaaarr (he actually sings this part) and ruin the moment."
Now when I try looking at the bright side of things I end up singing "spoonful of sugaaaaarrr..." in my head :-).
Posted by Unknown |
8:05 AM |
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