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Sunday, August 07, 2005

Patio concept

Current Mood:

Let me show you what I'm thinking of doing for the patio and let me know what you think :-). Okay, here are pictures of what the patio currently looks like:
Left: The patio now; Right: Full view of the patio. The flooring is concrete.
Left: Door leading to patio; Right: The other side of the railing

So if we were going to lay it out as an architectural design, it would look like this:

The green thing on the right is the gardenia plant. That'd be the only thing we'd keep.

My concept is to make the patio look like a small Italian garden. I want it to end up looking a little bit like this:

I'd like the green field to be grass, but I don't really think that's possible considering we're on the third floor :-). Steve said we could put down fake grass instead.

Then on top of the grass there'll be a stone pathway leading to a terracotta pot fountain (which serves as the patio's focal point).

Along one side of the path there'll be three fake potted cypress trees (cypress trees are common in many Tuscany pictures and adds to the Italian look). On the other side there'll be planters attached to the railing where we'll have Italian herbs: oregano, basil, things like that :-).

We'll also have a bistro set on the patio so we can sit down and enjoy the view :-). I'm flexible with the layout of the set, though. Whatever works :-). It could be laid out like this:

Or like this (which is probably the best use of space)...

And then, to finish the look, we're going to get fake vine to wrap around the white columns so we can have a more old-world feel :-). I also figure that vines would be a good introduction to the patio (the column is the first thing you see when you head out there).

Posted by Unknown | 9:49 AM | 3 Comments |
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