Marriage License by Norman Rockwell
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Friday, November 03, 2006

Mucho Mucha

Current Mood:

Alphonse Mucha (MOO-ka), very well known for his Art Nouveau style, is one of my favorite artists. I saw some of his paintings in an art catalog when I was a little girl and I remember being fascinated by the the way he drew, particularly with how he drew women's hair and the folds in their clothes. It was all so... flowy and graceful. And THEN he surrounds them with more curved shapes. What I also like is that he's able to portray beauty using realistically-shaped women :-).

I like his panel works. He made several 4-set panels that featured women around a cohesive theme. Some of his panel works include:
Judy sent me a wonderful Mucha book a few months back, and I often flip through it just to look at his artwork :-).

I figured it would be a good idea to showcase some of his works for a little while as background pictures on my blog--that way I'll get to show you some of the things he's done :-). Who knows--you may become as fond of his art as I am :-).


Posted by Unknown | 4:41 AM | 0 Comments |
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