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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Mardi Dogs

Current Mood:
CC is listening to: Mythbusters

Today was the Germantown Mardi Dogs Parade. Here's the flyer information for it:
People who love their pooches are invited to join the Parks and Recreation Department and the Houston High DECA, An Association of Marketing Students, for a Mardi Gras parade in honor of canines. Dogs of all shapes and sizes parade on Exeter Road then return to the park for the announcement of awards in seven categories. Prizes are given for best dressed, most original costume, most patriotic pooch, most unique and to the pet and owner who look most alike. The queen and king of Mardi Dogs will be crowned. Local pet-oriented businesses are on hand to greet parade participants. Pre-registrants receive a complimentary doggie scarf and a doggie bag full of goodies. Don’t have a pup of your own? Bring a chair to lounge along the parade route and watch the procession.
Steve's Petco branch was one of the local vendors who had set up tables. I took pictures :-).

Steve and I left after the parade started, so we don't really know who won. We'll probably find out when the local newspaper publishes the story :-).


Posted by Unknown | 6:23 PM | 0 Comments |
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