CC's Random Thoughts
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
Current Mood:
Christmas! Christmas! oh BOY CHRISTMAS!
Steve's sister Tammy and her family will be driving up to Little Rock today so we had Christmas dinner last night, as well as opened presents to and from them :-). We got Tammy and Jairus a nice wok dinner set, and we gave gift cards to the girls.
Since Steve said I wouldn't understand their gift unless he gives me HIS gift, he also let me open his Christmas gift a day early. It's a digital camera! I've been wanting a digital camera for a LOONG time :-)!
He was right by the way--Tammy and Jairus got me a memory card for the digital camera :-).
Tammy and Jairus also got me a breakfast tray! I put that on my Christmas list because I wanted to be able to work in bed--just lay the laptop over it and there you go :-).
Abby and Margaret gave us goodies that they made themselves, and Sam and Blake gave us a really neat bamboo plant in a lovely blue vase :-).
Some of our neighbors (Ray, Rhonda, Blake, Caleb, and their little toy chihuahua Stewie) were over last night too--it was really nice having them over for dinner :-). Rhonda gave me this pretty blue scarf that'll look really nice with the gorgeous blue sweater that Judy gave me two weeks ago :-).
And this is all just Christmas
! Christmas DAY hasn't even started yet!
{smiles} My best Christmas gift of all though is that I'm in Memphis, and I'm not on vacation :-). I
live here now :-). Steve and I have waited 8 years for this--to celebrate Christmas together and not having to think about my going back to Manila.
Posted by Unknown |
5:43 AM |

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