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Saturday, December 18, 2004

So THAT'S what Blogrolling does!

Current Mood:

I've been visiting other blogs and I often see a link to Blogrolling so I decided to check it out.

See those links to other blogs on my sidebar? I used to have to add those links one by one by myself. Every time I see a blog that I like, I go into the template and mess with the HTML code, tedious stuff like that.

Blogrolling made it a whole lot easier: you sign up for a free account, then you make a list of links (a "blogroll") that you'd like to display on your site. Then you make blogrolling generate the code for the list of links. You copy THAT into your blog and voila, your entire list is displayed on your website :-).

What's the advantage of blogrolling versus doing the codes yourself? Well for one thing, if you had a link to say, 50 sites, you won't have a LOOOONG html list code that you have to maintain manually. The other advantage is that blogrolling lets you know when a link has been updated, as early as 30 minutes ago. Now that's handy, especially for blogs :-).


Posted by Unknown | 1:37 AM | 0 Comments |
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