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Friday, December 10, 2004
Fingerprinting almost foiled
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Today I was scheduled to go to the local US Immigration & Naturalization Service office to have myself fingerprinted for their records (
Biometrics is what they officially call it :-)). I was told to bring a means of identification (I brought my passport), my confirmation number, and my two notices.
Steve and I got there early and, surprise of surprises, I was called earlier than my actual appointment time :-). I thought that was great :-).
Then the problem arose: I had no identification that carried my
married name. The lady said, "Did you bring your marriage certificate?" And I said, "No, I wasn't told to bring my marriage certificate--just the confirmation number and the passport and my notices."
So she asked her supervisor and the supervisor told me that I had to go home to get my marriage certificate because I had nothing that ties me to the Slish name.
So I said, "Okay..." then in a last ditch effort I asked, "Will his name on the annotation in my passport work?"
I showed my passport and in the annotation was Steve's name, indicating that he's the person I'm supposed to marry. The supervisor looked at it and said, "That'll do. Good thing you showed me that, you saved yourself a trip."
Now on one hand I was REALLY relieved that that was an acceptable means of verification and I didn't have to go back and get the marriage certificate; but on the other hand, it made me wonder why they didn't think to look at the annotation in the first place... or at least tell people that it would be a good idea to bring your marriage certificate anyway. If I didn't ask, I would've ended up making a return trip that really wasn't necessary.
Lesson learned today: any time Steve and I have to go somewhere regarding my papers, bring the marriage certificate :-).
Labels: Immigration
Posted by Unknown |
2:14 PM |

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