CC's Random Thoughts
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Manila, Philippines |
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
Current Mood:

My family back in Manila usually does the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, so I asked Steve to come with me to Church so he and I can do Stations together.
We got to church and there was no one in the parking lot except for this one car. We saw the lady in it walk to the church doors, then turn around and go back to her car.
Steve and I reached the doors, and the church was locked. I didn't even consider the possibility of a church being closed on Good Friday. There was a service at 7pm, but I would think for sure by 4 someone would be there.
Anyway, we finally decided to try a different church and were walking to the truck when another car arrived. It was our priest. He came to prepare for the 7pm service. We asked him if it was okay that we do stations that afternoon, and he said yes. We thought it was pretty cool that he arrived just as we were about to leave.
So Steve and I started doing stations, when the lady I talked about earlier entered the church and came up to us. "Excuse me, may I join you in praying the stations?" She didn't have a prayer book with her. We said "of course," and we did the stations together.
At the end of it all, I found the events just so weirdly intertwined that I felt it couldn't be
just a coincidence. I can just see God saying, "You don't have a prayer book? Don't worry, I'll send this couple out to church, you can pray with them. Church is locked? Don't leave just yet, I'm sending the priest over to open it for you."
Posted by Unknown |
4:01 AM |

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