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Friday, August 12, 2005

What I like about Blogrolling

Current Mood:

You know how when you visit people's blogs, there would often be a list of other people's blogs along the margin? And the only way for you to tell whether or not someone had updated his/her blog is to visit it and see if there's anything new.

The thing I like about blogrolling is that you can set it up to do this:

Notice the word "*fresh!*" after the BearAmerica blog and the Snapshots blog? That lets you know that the user just added a new entry :-). It's quite convenient :-).

There is one thing, though: the maximum time allotted for this setting is 48 hours. That means once 48 hours passes from the time someone had updated his/her blog, the *fresh* marking disappears.

It's still a useful tool, though :-).


Posted by Unknown | 9:18 AM | 0 Comments |
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