Marriage License by Norman Rockwell
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Monday, October 17, 2005

Karma first-hand

Current Mood:

As most of you know, Steve and I live in a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment. This afternoon he and I needed to go to the bathroom at the same time.

Well, in all fairness, he WAS first. He was already making his way to the bathroom when I thought I'd be mean and try and push him out of the way so I could go first instead :-).

He pushed me back, jokingly of course, but neither of us realized that Jack had made his way behind me. Steve's gentle push was just enough for me to back into Jack, lose my balance and land face first into the kitchen wall :-).

The law of Karma: "As you sow, so shall you reap tenfold." :-)

Posted by Unknown | 4:58 PM | 0 Comments |
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