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Monday, November 14, 2005
Missing Flamenco
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Steve and I watched the Legend of Zorro last night. Seeing the costumes and hearing the music made me miss my Manila flamenco class :-). I have my castanets with me, but I don't usually play them anymore because they make so much noise :-).
All throughout the movie I kept looking at the bad guy and I'm thinking, "Why does he look SO familiar?" Steve couldn't figure it out either. Even seeing his name didn't help: Rufus Sewell. We know we'd seen him before but couldn't figure out where.
This morning I finally went to the movie site and looked him up. He's also the bad guy in A Knight's Tale :-).
The sequel was good, by the way :-). They added another dimension to it by having Catherine Zeta Jones fight more :-). There was a little more comedy in this version too.
I did see one loophole, though. At one point in the film Alejandro (Antonio Banderas) and Elena (Catherine Zeta-Jones) get divorced. Then they re-marry at the end of the film with a Spanish Catholic priest officiating. I turned to Steve and whispered, "But if they're Catholic, the priest can't officiate the second wedding because the Catholic church doesn't allow divorce in the first place."
Steve thought about that for a second, then turned to me and went, "SShhh... you're not supposed to notice that :-)."
After the movie we had dinner at Osaka, a Japanese restaurant. They have good Japanese food :-).
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Posted by Unknown |
4:21 AM |

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