Marriage License by Norman Rockwell
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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Some midnight blogging

Current Mood:

It's about 1:30am right now. I woke up because Katya was wurfing--there was another dog barking full force in the neighborhood. I remember how she used to respond: she would bark back just as loud. Ever since we moved to the apartment she's learned that she's not supposed to bark as much. She looked so cute trying SO hard to control her impulse to bark :-). She was sitting by the window going "...wurf..! ...wurf!.......wurf...!"

Anyway, Halloween stories :-).

I was supposed to go to work as a vampire. Steve and I got a great costume at Party City :-). Here, let me show you a picture of what the costume is supposed to look like:

We bought fangs and everything too--I didn't want the rubber fakey kind, so we got the kind that you attach to your real teeth.

Unfortunately, we discovered on Halloween day that the fangs don't like being attached to my teeth. Poor Steve had to go get Fixadent to try and fix it (and man, that's some nasty tasting stuff) but it STILL wouldn't work.

So I went to work as a vampire without fangs. I wasn't too happy with it at first, but it kind of helped when I told myself I'd have to take them off anyway or else I wouldn't be able to drink coffee :-).

Posted by Unknown | 1:22 AM | 0 Comments |
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