Marriage License by Norman Rockwell
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Not mom material

Current Mood:

My cousin Aly gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last month :-). She had chronicled her pregnancy all the way to the baby's second doctor visit on her Friendster blog.

I was reading through it and I could tell that she and her husband are very happy and excited that they have a little one :-). It's a whole new journey for them, one that they're looking forward to taking :-).

I also realized that I'm not cut out to be a mother :-).

I'm sure that most women who read my cousin's blog probably had an "Ooohhh I want a baby, too!" reaction. I'm 32 years old. My biological clock should be ticking so loud that I can't concentrate on anything else :-).

Nope, nothing. The strongest maternal desire I have is for Steve and me to get another puppy. That's it :-). And the thing is, I don't think that's a bad thing at all :-).

Conventional society still puts significant pressure on married couples to have children, and when you tell your friends and relatives that you're not thinking of having any at all, they look at you funny and wonder if there's something wrong with either a. your marriage, or b. your reproductive systems :-).

I wonder how long it'll be before people react to someone's decision of not having kids the same way people react to someone's decision of choosing beef over chicken :-).


Posted by Unknown | 3:02 PM | 2 Comments |
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