Marriage License by Norman Rockwell
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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Saturday afternoon

Current Mood:
CC is listening to: A Love of Home--Jim Chappell (Laughter at Dawn)

While we were out Saturday afternoon, I asked Steve if we could drive by Shelby Farms. "I just want to see the horses. We're not going horseback riding today; I just want to see them."

Shyeah, right :-). Soon as I SAW the horses I wanted to go horseback riding, even though it was chilly out. We signed up for an hour trail ride, but we had to wait about half an hour before the next one started.

Steve and I decided to visit the horses while we were waiting. Most of them were just napping on their feet. One came over to say hello, but it was more a passive curiosity than anything else.

I looked at the grassy patches behind me. "What if I got you some grass?" I asked.

"Oh, his ears just perked up!" Steve told me. "I guess he knows what THAT means."

So I pulled up some fresh crunchy grass and walked over to feed the horse. He got real friendly after that :-).

As I was getting ready to post this entry, I noticed how the picture reminded me of a cartoon panel in Arnold Arre's Mythology Class. It's a great comic book that incorporates many characters in Philippine Mythology.

Both Steve and I liked it--I liked it because of the story and Steve liked it because he learned about different Filipino mythological creatures :-).

Anyway, that cartoon panel I was talking about--it's my favorite cartoon panel in the entire comic book. The main character, Nicole, had begun to dismiss her longtime belief in Philippine mythology. Then she meets her first mythological creature: the tikbalang, and her childhood wonder in what was possible was restored.

I found a picture of that panel, and it took me by surprise when I noticed how coincidentally similar it is to the picture that Steve took :-).


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