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Monday, December 27, 2004
What a Christmas :-)!
Current Mood:
It's time to go back to work, but man, what a Christmas :-)! Naturally I took pictures with my new digital camera ;-)...

We baked Christmas cookies again this year :-). One of the cookies I decorated was an owl pulling out someone's entrails :-). I know, I know, not very Christmassy but Steve started it when he baked a two-headed gingerbread man :-). When he first saw my cookie he had this half look of disgust and said, "My
wife made that!" but I know there was a hint of pride in his voice :-).
He wouldn't let me do anatomically correct gingerbread people though ;-).
I'm so thankful for all the wonderful things we received this year. When I first saw the gifts by the tree I could hardly even SEE the tree, it was swamped with gifts for everyone :-).

John and Judy gave me blouses and sweaters and gloves and scarves! I don't know how Judy does it, but everytime she sends me clothes she always gets them a) in the right size; and b) that look GREAT on me :-). And it's always at the right time too--I was just telling Steve I needed a new white turtleneck and what do I find in one of her christmas boxes? A white turtleneck with a gorgeous Christmas tree brooch :-)!
Oh oh, and look at one of Steve's gifts from John and Judy too:

Steve lovingly calls it "his major award," just like in the Christmas Story movie :-).
We also got other wonderful things such as 10-piece cookware, a spice rack and an electric blanket from Steve's mom and dad. Ohhhh that electric blanket works wonders :-). It's the dual-control kind, so I can have it extra warm on my side and Steve can have it a little less warm on his side :-).
Posted by Unknown |
5:11 AM |

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