CC's Random Thoughts
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CC's Tweets
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Need to be more independent
Current Mood:
I need to start looking into being able to drive on my own.
Posted by Unknown |
6:18 AM |

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Monday, November 29, 2004
Alpha Dog
Current Mood:
Look at that. This happens EVERY time he takes a nap: the dogs jump on the bed and join him :-). I guess there's no question about who the Alpha Dog is in the pack :-).
I guess it would be kind of fitting since, according to the Chinese horoscope, he was born in the year of the dog :-).
Labels: That's My Husband...
Posted by Unknown |
6:51 AM |

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Saturday, November 27, 2004
New business cards
Current Mood:
I figured it was time for me to get new business cards for myself. With my name change and all, I want to just give people a card if they ask me what my new name is, phone number, things like that.
I love going to Vistaprint for this kind of thing. They do great work. If I don't mind waiting 3 weeks and having a little Vistaprint ad message at the back of the cards, I can get 250 great quality business cards for $4.99.
I looked through the choices and came up with the final two:

In the end, I decided on getting the first design. While the second design was REALLY adorable, the first one can cater to a greater audience.
Yes, I really do think like this :-). It drives Steve crazy sometimes :-).
Posted by Unknown |
8:15 AM |

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I'm getting a laptop!
Current Mood:
Best Buy was having their Thanksgiving Sale where you could buy a Toshiba laptop (Celeron 1.4 GHz, 40GB hard drive, 256 MB RAM, DVD/CD R-W combo) for $499.99. I've been wanting a laptop for a LONG time and it seems like this is the one for me :-).
But when we got to Best Buy, they were all out :-(.
I sour-graped my way out of wanting it anyway, but I guess Steve saw that I was disappointed and figured he'd try something else :-).
He went to the Dell website and found a laptop that, for a hundred dollars more, could give me a Celeron 2.2 GHz, 30 GB hard drive, 256 RAM, DVD/CD R-W combo.
In short, 10GB less storage space, but a much faster chip. I ALSO get a free printer and a free external wireless PC card :-). I think that's a way better deal, don't you? :-) I even get software, AOL subscription for 6 months, and free anti-virus protection for 3 months :-).
So by this time next week, I could be typing my blog entry from my laptop!
Labels: Laptop, Retail
Posted by Unknown |
6:35 AM |

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Thursday, November 25, 2004
Current Mood:
I have a LOT to be thankful for.
After years of waiting, Steve and I finally got married and it was a BEAUTIFUL ceremony with close friends and family present.
I work at a great place where I'm able to use my creativity to make modules that help people with skills that they can use not only at work but in everyday life.
I have wonderful friends and family that offer loving support in everything that I do.
And most importantly...
I'm not pregnant
Posted by Unknown |
6:33 AM |

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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Chatterbox to Yahoo
Current Mood:
I changed the chatterbox chat window I used to have on the sidebar to the Yahoo Messenger status indicator. I figured, since I'm signed in Yahoo most of the time, it would make sense to just have a link to that instead of having a separate chat window :-).
Posted by Unknown |
4:43 AM |

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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Happiness is...
Current Mood:
Happiness is seeing the look of sheer satisfaction on your husband's face when he takes a bite out of a freshly baked dinner roll you made yourself :-).
Labels: Happiness, That's My Husband...
Posted by Unknown |
9:20 PM |

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Bonding with Steve's mom
Current Mood:
Steve's mom taught me how to make rolls today :-). From SCRATCH :-).
Well, we used a breadmaker to make the actual dough (which I think is still cool--I've never made my own bread before), but after that she taught me how to make them into rolls. We did this night's batch together; tomorrow I'm making an entire batch by myself for the family to eat at Thanksgiving :-).
The girls left for Canada tonight--one goes to Toronto, the other goes to Calgary. They'll be visiting friends and family over the weekend before they fly back to Manila :-).
Adam sent me email today. "I heard you're not coming back."
Was it Mark Twain who said, "News of my death have been greatly exaggerated?" :-)
I told him that I felt kind of honored to be considered worthy enough to be the target of rumors :-).
Posted by Unknown |
8:37 PM |

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Oh no...! ;-)
Current Mood: 
Just went to the USCIS website (Immigrations) to check on how fast they're working on processing applications.
As of November 10, 2004, the Memphis office is now working on people who got their green card application receipts on March 27, 2002. Take note, 2002. I got mine November 18, 2004. The website says it takes about 4-6 months to process.
Goodness me, that just means I'm going to have to be staying with my husband longer aren't I :-)...Labels: Immigration
Posted by Unknown |
5:28 AM |

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Current Mood:
I wasn't feeling well last night after work. I had this headache that made my eyes hurt every time I saw bright lights. I didn't even have dinner; I just went to bed.
Feeling a little better now, though...
Oh yeah, and two letters from INS came in the mail today. They've received our applications and my next step is to have myself fingerprinted and stuff, which I need to schedule.
Slowly but surely, we're getting there :-)...
Posted by Unknown |
4:50 AM |

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Monday, November 22, 2004
Speaking of Gatlinburg...
Current Mood:
Speaking of Gatlinburg, I figured this would be a neat thing to put online :-). Steve and I were horseback riding in the Great Smoky Mountains woods when our guide pointed out a bear cub snacking in the trees.
Our first black bear! It was very exciting (and a little scary) to see such a creature living in the wild, with no fences separating you :-).
Can YOU find the bear cub :-)? Click on the picture to see a magnified version :-).

Posted by Unknown |
6:21 AM |

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Sunday, November 21, 2004
If you can't go to Gatlinburg...
Current Mood:
If you can't bring the couple to Gatlinburg, you bring Gatlinburg to the couple :-).
The leaves have been turning beautifully here in Memphis so Steve and I went to Shelby Farms. It's a really gorgeous place here in Memphis that's twice as large as New York's Central Park and San Francisco's Golden Gate Park combined. It's about 4,500 acres. It's enough to make you forget that you're actually in the middle of a city.
Our most favorite thing to do at Shelby Farms is go horseback riding. So we got our cowboy boots and went right to the Farms after church :-).

That dog with us is Bones, our guide's dog. He was supposed to leave with her when she let Steve and me ride on our own, but I guess he just wanted to stick with us the entire time :-).
After horseback riding we wanted to get some pictures of ourselves at the pond--you can see a little bit more fall foliage from these shots :-).

Posted by Unknown |
9:26 PM |

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Saturday, November 20, 2004
Up at 2:30 am
Current Mood:
Don't know why I woke up at 2:30 am. I've been online for about an hour now just doing stuff in general and it seems to be working... I've yawned twice in the last five minutes.
Bear DID fix my ears, by the way... and he did a great job :-). It's a lot more sturdy now :-).
The leaves are starting to turn nicely in Memphis. If the weather permits we'll go to Shelby Park, maybe ride the horses :-).
Posted by Unknown |
3:33 AM |

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Friday, November 19, 2004
My ears broke...!
Current Mood:
The headband that my ears were attached to BROKE! I accidentally snapped it in half!
Steve said he'd fix it. He said we could either superglue the two pieces together or replace the headband completely.
(looks at the chatterbox on the sidebar) Hmm. That chatterbox is a neat feature, but it causes pop ups. I'll see if I can get much use out of it. If not, it's probably a better idea to take it away... I'll leave it on until next week and decide then :-).
Posted by Unknown |
6:25 AM |

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Thursday, November 18, 2004
Note to Self
Current Mood:
Note to Self: Use a stick or spray deodorant when it's cold. Don't use a roll-on--you may as well be smooshing an ice cube under your arm :-).
Posted by Unknown |
6:12 AM |

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Married life so far
Current Mood:
Wow, is Thanksgiving already next week? It seems like I just got here a month ago :-).
I love married life :-). I like the permanence of it all. I guess that kind of sounds scary to a lot of people, but I feel strangely reassured by it :-). Or maybe that's just the newlywed in me talking :-).
I wonder how long you have to be married for people to no longer consider you a newlywed. (re-reads that sentence) Okay that made no sense, let my try again. When does someone stop calling you a "newlywed?" There, that sounds better :-).
Steve pampers me endlessly. Yesterday I asked him, "Why do you spoil me so much?" And he answered, "Well... because I like it. I like packing your lunch every day. I like making banana bread for you to take to work and share with other people."
He makes very good banana bread, by the way :-). And he makes great oatmeal-raisin cookies too :-).
Posted by Unknown |
5:06 AM |

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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
I remember when...
Current Mood:
One of the Filipina trainers here in Memphis will be conducting training tomorrow. It's going to be about How To Train. She'll be training tomorrow, Friday and Monday. Her audience will be current and wannabe trainers.
I can't help but be nervous for her. I remember when I did my first training session in Memphis. I was a nervous wreck :-).
My biggest challenge will be quietly standing aside and not jumping in at the slightest sign of distress :-).
Posted by Unknown |
6:19 AM |

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Monday, November 15, 2004
I have my ears :-)!
Current Mood:
My ears came today! WOO HOO :-D! I'm actually wearing them right now :-).
I tried taking a couple of pictures, but you could tell that I'm kind of tired and sleepy so I'll just wait until I can get a better shot :-).
Posted by Unknown |
8:23 PM |

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Sunday at the Mall
Current Mood:
The only things we had planned for Sunday were go to church, get Steve's hair cut, and get gas for the truck. So we decided we'd go to the mall--we haven't been there in a while.
We went to The Body Shop cause we needed to get some Tea Tree Oil for our skin. While browsing at the other products, we came across this massager that felt SOOO good and SOOO natural. At $8.00, it was a steal!

We didn't get the massage oil; just the massager was enough. Now that I think about it, we should've gotten two massagers--one for each hand :-).
The massager works SO well that Steve said we'd name our kids after the person who invented this thing. I said, showing the massager to him, "But honey, the only thing written here is a stock number."
"Then we're naming our kids M-015-TE."
When you look at the design, it looks kind of weird--two ends are closer to each other than the other two. But trust me, it works :-). Steve says it's the most valuable piece of wood we've got in the house right now :-).
We also saw an ad in the paper about the Iris Chamber Orchestra performing on Dec. 4 and 5. They're doing Beethoven's 9th! We checked out the ticket prices for the Saturday and Sunday , but they were expensive-- $45 a shot. I said we probably couldn't afford that.
THEN Steve found a link to their dress rehearsal. If we're willing to watch them do just a dress rehearsal of the concert, general admission tickets are only $10 each.
Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" performed by a chorale and chamber orchestra for $10? You bet :-)!
Posted by Unknown |
5:05 AM |

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Sunday, November 14, 2004
Current Mood:
Saturday was strangely uneventful yet tiring. All Steve and I did were cash a check, go to Target (bought myself shoes, a belt and coats for the jack russells), buy a pair of shoes for Carmine at Payless, come home, go food shopping, come back home, go BACK to Target (coats were too small; belt was too big).
We're used to doing more with our Saturdays but for some reason we were just wore out after that. At least we still have Sunday if we want to go anywhere this week :-)...
It's getting much colder now. Upper 50s would be the day's high.
And nope, still no ears
Posted by Unknown |
5:25 AM |

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Friday, November 12, 2004
Current Mood:
Steve and I had dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant tonight and we got our usual fortune cookies at the end of the meal :-). Mine was your generic fortune about friends and such.
Steve read his fortune, paused, then handed his fortune over to me wordlessly. I figured he didn't like his fortune.
I read it aloud: "You will be sharing great news with all the people you love."
"Well that's nice," I said, smiling. "I wonder what kind of 'great news' we would--uh-oh."
"I know," he replied. "That's exactly what *I* thought."
Then I giggled. "You know, I THOUGHT I ate a little more than usual tonight."
"Don't say that."
Posted by Unknown |
10:15 PM |

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Lucky Bunny
Current Mood:
Steve and I took the trainees to the Payless Shoe Store and the Super Target near the office. They were so cute--between both of them they ended up buying ELEVEN pairs of shoes :-).
We shopped for about two hours. Steve and I started to get hungry as we were shopping in Target, so we started eating the can of macadamia nuts that I'd gotten off the shelf :-). Then when we finally got to the car, shopping done, he and I started to eat the Swiss cheese I'd bought too :-).
We took the girls home and helped them bring their bags up to their apartment. Steve, gallant man that he is, insisted on carrying most of the bags. Carmine kept telling me how nice Steve is, how accomodating and sweet. I smiled and said to her, "I know... my friends often tell me that when it comes to finding a good man, I've hit the jackpot :-)."Labels: That's My Husband...
Posted by Unknown |
5:55 AM |

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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Addicted to Authorware
Current Mood:
The Authorware book is 500+ pages. On my first day of learning it I'd finished 1/3 of the book. It was addicting... I couldn't stop :-).
Couldn't find a picture to replace my current profile with, but as soon as I do I'll change it :-).
Posted by Unknown |
6:04 AM |

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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Current Mood:
God, I LOVE Authorware! It's FANTASTIC!
Posted by Unknown |
2:58 PM |

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What a book!
Current Mood:
Oh man that Authorware book is FANTASTIC! I'm already learning new stuff and I've only been through two lessons. This is going to make my development work skyrocket :-).
I should change my picture. I'm still using my wedding picture and it's already been 2 months. I'll look for a picture after I post this entry.
The office halloween pictures have been uploaded to the company intranet. My halloween costume STILL spooks people :-).
And no, no ears yet.
Posted by Unknown |
4:25 AM |

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Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Authorware? Authorhere :-)!
Current Mood:
YAY I got my Authorware book! And it looks like a GREAT book :-)!

Also makes me wonder... where's my EARS
(Has a thought... goes to Ebay)
Okay. Other people bought the same thing I did at around the same time I did. Let me see if I can find some helpful information about when they received THEIR ears.
...A-HA! This one person got HER ears on November 6. That's only 2 days ago(whew)
. Okay that means it DOES take that long for something to ship from Canada. Mine hopefully should arrive this week too.
I can't wait!
Posted by Unknown |
5:32 AM |

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Monday, November 08, 2004
It was GREAT :-)!
Current Mood:
You have GOT to watch The Incredibles! It was GREAT! The story wasn't just for kids--grownups will like it too :-).
I LOVED how they did the music. Steve said we'll have to get the soundtrack :-).
Posted by Unknown |
5:38 AM |

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Sunday, November 07, 2004
Current Mood:
AAGH! The dog is throwing up! On the bed! Eww! What do I do?
"Jack, Jack! Get off the bed!"
(He gets off the bed, goes HHHAAACCCKKK on the floor) "Ewww! It's CHEESE!"
"Honey wake up wake up...!"
Posted by Unknown |
8:11 AM |

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You know you're addicted to coffee when...
Current Mood:
tostartthedayandhowcomenooneelseisawake?Labels: You Know You...
Posted by Unknown |
6:04 AM |

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What a day :-)...
Current Mood:
I swear, yesterday it felt like we should've had a portable laugh track with us. It was a comedy of errors worthy of a sitcom :-).
Getting them at the airport worked out just fine--I was mostly relieved they got here okay :-). The last time I came to Memphis I was interviewed by the immigrations officer in Detroit for so long I'd missed my connecting flight to Memphis and had to get a different one.
The comedy of errors started happening when we were taking them to their apartment. They were sharing an apartment with someone at work you see, and I had arranged for that someone to leave the key at the apartment's front office. Well we had gotten there and there wasn't a key. I'd called Teresa to ask if Charity did leave the key at the front desk, and Teresa said Charity wasn't with her. Charity went to leave the key at the front desk at WORK. Good thing the office was near the apartment.
So we start driving over to the office (and mind you, the trainees at this time were just so tired, I would be too, I remember how long that flight was). Teresa calls me again and says that Charity is now with her, and she DID leave the keys at the front desk. So we did a U-turn and went all the way back.
We were finally able to get the key and get their luggage into the apartment. Then we took them shopping and when that was done, they were able to just crash and rest while Steve and I went home :-).
That was the major plot :-). During the plot, little things were happening that, in the end, added to the whole sitcom experience :-)...
1. We didn't have a swipe card to get into the complex so we would wait for a resident to come in then we'd RUSH in after them. If you've ever seen that Mr. Bean episode where he does the same thing to get into a pay parking garage (I love that episode
), that's what we did. We discovered later that there was a code to the leasing office right at the gate.
2. When we first didn't have the key, we tried going to the apartment to see if maybe Charity was home--and we ended up knocking on the wrong apartment door :-).
3. When we finally got the key, I was so happy I started to run back to the car in slow motion humming the theme from Chariots of Fire. This prompted one of the girls to ask Steve, "Is she ALWAYS this cheerful?" :-)
Oh, and guess who we saw at the airport while we were waiting for the girls.
ISAAC HAYES! THE Isaac Hayes! Chef from South Park! I was almost hoping he'd say in his Chef voice, "Hello, children!"
I guess that would make him the celebrity guest star of our sitcom :-)...
Posted by Unknown |
4:52 AM |

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