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Saturday, January 01, 2005
He's so funny :-)...
Current Mood:
I was reading a romance novel earlier today. When I read, I'm usually in my own world until I'm done.

So Steve, in his desire to capture my attention, decided to talk to me a la romance novel style :-).
I was in bed reading when he snuggled next to me. He said, "They always describe blond hair in romance novels as being like honey." So he made an attempt to describe MY hair.
Slowly, deliberately, he twirled a lock of my hair between his fingers and started talking in a low, smooth voice...
"Her hair... was like that maple syrup stuff you get at IHOP. Her eyes... were the dark brown color of coffee that's been left on the burner too long."
I was laughing so much I had to put the book down :-).
Posted by Unknown |
6:17 PM |

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