CC's Random Thoughts
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
There's nothing like...
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There's nothing like the feeling you get after you've met a project deadline and you can actually sit down and not have to use your brain for a few hours :-).
Posted by Unknown |
4:04 PM |

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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Alphonse Mucha
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When I was a kid I would leaf through an old art catalog and I promised myself that one day, as a grownup, I was going to get a set of Alphonse Mucha's work.
We'll probably put this set on the dining room wall :-). It's the four times of day: morning (
le matin), noon (
le jour), eveningtide (
le soir), and night (
la nuit).
Labels: Mucha
Posted by Unknown |
4:40 PM |

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Slowly but surely
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Slowly but surely, our apartment's taking shape. We don't have a dining set yet--we ended up getting decorative stuff :-).

The living room so far. We still haven't decided what to hang over the fireplace. Whatever it is, it's got to be big.

We bought a fake Japanese maple tree to put behind one of the chairs. It looks really nice back there :-). I was originally planning on having a screen, but I think the tree looks better :-).

We've decided to keep the busts on the mantel. The one on the right is Beethoven (Steve loves Beethoven), the one on the left is Shakespeare (Steve is an English major). I would've wanted to get a bust of JS Bach (my favorite classical composer), but I don't know where I'd put him.

I'm also a big coffee drinker, so I figured I'd get two little pictures of coffee to put in the kitchen, right above where we keep the coffeemaker :-).
Posted by Unknown |
7:37 AM |

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Snuck a picture
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I snuck a picture of Steve talking to the dogs as he was taking books out of boxes and putting them on the shelves :-).
I think what's really funny about this picture is Jack's apt attention to the conversation :-). Look at his ears :-).

Labels: That's My Husband...
Posted by Unknown |
7:17 AM |

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Sunday, June 26, 2005
Next thing to get
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The next thing on our list to get is a dining set. It's not that high of a priority right now because we're perfectly happy eating on TV trays in front of the TV, but the apartment just doesn't look complete without a dining set :-).
These are the top two choices so far:

I'm leaning more towards the one on the left: having a combination of metal and wood gives the set more character :-).Labels: Retail
Posted by Unknown |
6:16 AM |

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Saturday, June 25, 2005
No regrets
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Last week I was very hesitant to get two things for myself because it wasn't really a pressing need. I got pressured by the fact that both things were on sale and ended up getting them anyway. I got a laptop desk and a leather chair.

Now that I'm actually using them, I have no regrets :-). I kid you not when I tell you that this chair is darned comfortable. You know how you sit in chair after chair when you're at the store trying to see which one feels right? After you sit in this one the others don't compare (in case you're curious, the brand is Harrington).
And the laptop desk is really cool. You can tilt both worksurfaces so your laptop can rest at an angle, and the smaller platform you can use to either hold a book or your cup of coffee :-). The height is adjustable too :-).
Anyway, it just so happened that for that weekend, both these things were on sale. We got the laptop desk at Office Max for $30 (the original price was $60). The leather chair we got at Office Depot for $199.95 but the flyer that weekend advertised $40 off on all leather chairs, so we got it for $159.95 :-).Labels: Retail
Posted by Unknown |
6:32 AM |

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Friday, June 24, 2005
Other pictures
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Here are some other pictures of the apartment :-)...

Another view from the balcony. This was taken at dawn, so most of the residents are still home. Look at all that parking space! Most apartment complexes have a parking limitation (like 2 cars per unit), but not this one :-). Even with this complex at 100% occupancy (there's like a month and a half waiting list), there's still a lot of available parking :-).

Our kitchen :-)
Posted by Unknown |
8:13 AM |

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He cooks, too :-)!
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Steve and I cooked tonight :-). He made chicken tempura, and I made the fried rice :-). Dinner was very good :-).

Labels: That's My Husband...
Posted by Unknown |
12:21 AM |

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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
New address labels
Current Mood: 
I wanted to have some labels made that showed our new address. There were so many label websites to choose from, but I remembered that (that site that offers you 250 free business cards and you just pay for shipping and handling) had some neat designs :-).
This is what I ordered :-). Steve and I think it's really cute :-).

Labels: Retail
Posted by Unknown |
8:47 PM |

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
I wish it grew on trees...
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Word of advice for first-time movers: save a lot of money before the actual move because when you start buying stuff for your own house/apartment (not to mention first-time charges for all sorts of utilities and services), man, that money goes QUICK.
Posted by Unknown |
7:22 AM |

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Monday, June 20, 2005
I love it :-)!
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I am so happy about the apartment :-). It's huge and the rent is very reasonable (I mean, 1145 square feet for $800, that is SUCH a good deal—the cheapest in its range in fact :-)), and the other tenants are so friendly and helpful (when Steve and I were trying to move our new TV up three flights of stairs, this guy came over from the building ACROSS from us to help us. Oh by the way, if you see appliances with the name Insignia, that’s Best Buy’s house brand. Much cheaper, but just as good as the other big name appliances :-)).
But the thing I love most about where we live is that we’re only 5 minutes from work, but it seems like we live in the country. Lots of space, rolling hills, trees, big wide fields…you’d never think we were just 2 minutes from the highway.

Our building

Our balcony

View from the balcony

The streets. I love that the buildings aren't too close together. Lots of breathing room :-).

Lots of trees too :-).

Add the little hills and it really feels like you're in the country :-).

The perimeter fence. The other side is a HUGE field

The field on the other side of the fence. The dogs like being walked here :-).
Posted by Unknown |
6:47 AM |

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The Incredibles
Current Mood: 
Man, you should have seen them! It was incredible!
We got the truck to the house just before noon. A few minutes later Tammy (Steve’s sister), and her three daughters Sam, Abby and Margaret were there to help us. Sam’s boyfriend Blake was there too.

The truck we used. It was surprising that we actually filled the thing.
Reinforcement vehicles
We hadn’t completely packed yet so we still had some stuff to take apart before loading it onto the truck. We moved quick—we started at noon and were done loading stuff by 1:30. By that time, Blake’s brother Caleb had also joined the party.
If you think THAT’S amazing, wait til I tell you what happened at the apartment :-).

On to the apartment!
Just to recap what we decided to do, we decided to have a contest: the Road Runner Award goes to whoever carries the most items into the apartment by 5pm. The Strong Man/Woman Award goes to whoever carries the most number of pounds into the apartment by 5pm. We also taped numbers to the boxes so whenever someone carries a box into the apartment, they tear off the number so that number could be put into a box for a raffle. Steve and I bought all sorts of smaller (although still cool) prizes. Our goal was for no one to leave the party empty handed :-).
We officially started the game when we got there. You should’ve SEEN those kids! They were zooming up three flights of stairs carrying two, three boxes at a time. They really wanted to win. I had to tell them, “Take a break!” but they just kept on going. The two boys were unbelievable. They would carry dressers and assembled cabinets and the mattress… and they were just as excited about tearing the numbers off the boxes so they could put those in the raffle :-).
I told you that it took us an hour and a half to get things loaded INTO the truck, right? Well, to get everything OUT of the truck and UP three flights of stairs and INTO the apartment, it took them just a little over an hour. Is that incredible or what? It took us longer to put stuff into the truck than to get stuff into the apartment. We were done by like, 4:15. 4 hours and 15 minutes to get everything done, and that included a leisurely lunch at Subway. Tammy said, “That was the fastest move I’ve ever been involved in :-).”
If you’re interested in the results, Margaret won Road Runner, Blake won Strong Man, and *everyone* got prizes from the raffle :-).
The most important thing to me was at the end of the day, when it was time for everyone to leave, they said, “It was fun!”
Posted by Unknown |
6:09 AM |

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Men will be boys
Current Mood: 
It was hot and muggy. Steve and I needed to go buy the prizes for the Strong Man/Woman Award and the Road Runner Award. I was in the truck, ready to go, but we didn't leave for another 10 minutes. Why?
My husband was too busy chasing a skink in the front yard so he could keep it as a pet :-). It got away, even with the two of us trying to catch it.

Posted by Unknown |
5:36 AM |

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One day to go!
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Tomorrow Steve and I will be moving to our new apartment. His sister and her family have volunteered to help us (they're so nice). I wanted to do something nice for them too, as well as just make the whole experience enjoyable. So after discussing the idea with Steve, I made this flyer:
Now his nieces are all excited and looking forward to the move, and so are we :-).
Posted by Unknown |
5:27 AM |

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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Man, that Gene Kelly...
Current Mood: 
I saw "Singin' in the Rain" for the first time last night. You know, dancing today is so different that watching an old movie like that really is refreshing.

I was so impressed by the dancing. You don't see dancing like that anymore. The dancing in Singin' in the Rain is more fluid, more interactive.
Maybe I'm just sentimental. I'm sure other people feel that today's pop culture dancing is as much an art form. I just feel that there's a whole lot more depth to how people danced back then than to how people dance now.Labels: Arts
Posted by Unknown |
8:20 AM |

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Saturday, June 11, 2005
Current Mood: 
Steve stirred in his sleep so I thought I'd sneak over and give him a kiss on the forehead. I creeped up to the bed... lifted my leg a little so I could kneel beside him... and promptly smacked my kneecap against his. He woke up, startled.
"Oh honey I'm so sorry! I was just supposed to kiss you..."
"...My wife beats me...!"
I giggled. "I didn't do it on purpose."
"Mmhmm, that's what they all say." Then he turned and went back to sleep.
Maybe I shouldn't operate any heavy machinery today :-).
Posted by Unknown |
7:26 AM |

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