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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Quiz time!
Current Mood:

Okay here's that quiz I was telling you about. Match the signs with the proper labels. If you've read the previous entry, all you have to do is apply what you learned. You'd be suprised at how simple ASL can be :-).
Okay, here are the labels:
And here are the pictures:
Think of where the signs are located and the motion of the signs: is it a forward movement? A backward movement? What does it mean when the sign is in the forehead area?
Okay, here are the answers. Which ones did you get right?
- The first picture is "mother."
- The second picture is "was."
- The third picture is "parents." I found it neat that because parents mean male and female, you make the "p" sign touch *both* the forehead and chin :-).
- The fourth sign is "is."
- The last sign is "father."
See? Already you know a little bit of sign language :-)!
Posted by Unknown |
5:13 AM |

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