Kathy, I, and Adam at the entrance

Adam, Kathy and Judith looking into one of the cat enclosures

"Yes, you may take my picture."

Tigers are cool :-).

One of the zoo's cougars

A toucan. Too bad his face was behind the branch :-). Steve saw this and said, "All of a sudden I want Froot Loops :-)."

Sea lions sunning themselves :-).

Judith and Kathy in the gopher enclosure :-).

One of the zoo's Komodo dragons. This one just stared at people all day. The only thing that would make its head move is when a child would come running by. You can tell the Komodo dragon was thinking, "Yeah, I can take that :-)."

Steve, Adam, Kathy and Judith at the Chinese Exhibit entrance

Adam standing behind one of the cutouts in the China Exhibit

Me behind one of the other cutouts

Anyone wanna go to Toys R Us? :-)
Posted by Unknown |
7:57 AM |

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Sunday, September 04, 2005
Scents make such a difference
Current Mood: 
It's not officially fall yet, but it sure smells like it in the apartment :-).
After I did that previous blog, I remembered that I've got spare plug-in air fresheners in the bathroom closet. One of the scents is "Harvest Spice." It's described as:
"...A warm blend of cinnamon, ginger and clove with a touch of vanilla and a hint of crisp red apple."
It smells like warm pumpkin pie in here :-).
Posted by Unknown |
8:47 AM |

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Memories of the Great Smoky Mountains
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Steve and I got married at Gatlinburg, a small town right next to the Great Smoky Mountains. It was very special not only because close friends and family were present, but it's also a wonderful place to go to relax. We were hoping to go there again to celebrate our first anniversary, but we can't afford to do that this year. Oh well, maybe we'll go next year :-).
Fall is always gorgeous at the Great Smoky Mountains. That's my favorite time to go. Let me post some of the views you'd see if you visited the area. I got these pictures from Webshots, a wallpaper program (Webshots rocks :-)!)
You see this kind of view driving along the road. One of the things I keep telling Steve is that the trees, from this distance, look like Fruity Pebbles cereal stuck on their edges :-).
Look at that. As far as the eye can see, mountains dotted in yellow, red, brown and gold :-). There's no way you can look at this and not feel small.
This is an old mill in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The park has preserved a lot of houses that show you how people here lived long ago.
This is another one of my favorite views--we found it driving along Rich Road. It's a popular shot with photographers :-).
I love fall. It's hard to describe why I do, but I'll give it a shot :-).
I love how the cooler weather makes you wrap your jacket a little tighter around yourself in the morning. I love how, when you take a deep breath, the air smells crisp and earthy--kind of like nature's spices. I love it when a breeze makes the leaves fall from the trees like giant yellow and orange snowflakes.
Fall makes me feel good about myself, because I can feel the earth going through its natural cycle of life, the cycle that it's followed for thousands of years. Fall, more than any other season, connects me to the big picture. It makes me feel small, but it also makes me feel significant.
Posted by Unknown |
6:59 AM |

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Friday, September 02, 2005
Can't wait :-)!
Current Mood: 
On September 24 the Memphis Symphony Orchestra is going to be holding a concert called "The Classical Mystery Tour." Steve and I are very excited to see it--it's going to be one of the ways we'll be celebrating our anniversary :-).
The Classical Mystery Tour
The Fab Four is back! From their classic black suits, mop tops and Sgt. Pepper uniforms to their uncanny sound and performance style, Classical Mystery Tour captures the Beatles as they haven't been heard in more than 30 years. You'll love them, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Key Performers: Vincent Danner, conductor;
Classical Mystery Tour, Beatles tribute band
Posted by Unknown |
7:20 AM |

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Good and bad apples
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A disaster brings out the best... and the worst in people. I guess you can probably tell I'm talking about the Katrina destruction in Louisiana.
I think it's great that people from other states are putting together relief goods for the victims. Texas gets extra points for being the first state to offer help :-).
On our way to Walmart to go grocery shopping yesterday, however, I came across one of the bad apples.
One guy in his car yells to someone holding a "Please help" sign in front of a charity drive: "Go back to New Orleans! We don't want you here!"
I was stunned and disturbed by that. Stunned that someone would say it so openly, and disturbed that someone could be so insensitive. Okay sure, I can understand why he might be angry. Gas prices shot up in the last couple of days. It's a little inconvenient for everyone right now. But at least *he's* in a car going back to his house and home at the end of the day. The victims these people are collecting for have nothing.
I told Steve about it while we were grocery shopping. "Well honey, you have to understand," he said. "Sometimes there are people who are just jerks, and there's nothing that anyone can do or say to change that."
"I guess that's true," I replied, after thinking about it a little bit. "In a normally distributed population, there should be good people and bad people."
Posted by Unknown |
7:07 AM |

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