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Monday, January 05, 2009

The IT Crowd--Fun-nee!

Current Mood:
CC is listening to:It Had to Be You--Doris Day (Golden Girl)

I was watching an episode of the IT Crowd yesterday and one part had me laughing so hard I near fell off my chair :-). Let me set it up for you.

Jen (the IT Department manager) had a date with Bill (another employee in the company) that didn't turn out so well. She didn't really want to face him the next day, so she told Moss, one of the IT guys, that she was going to stay in her office all day but if Bill comes by to ask about her, to tell him that she was busy.

Moss, however, is a terrible liar and when Bill kept pressing him why he couldn't see Jen, Moss blurted out, "Because she's dead!"

So now the entire office thinks that Jen is dead and people are leaving flowers outside the IT office, which is in the basement. When Jen decides to pick up a cup of coffee upstairs and sees all the flowers for her, she asks Moss about them and Moss blurts out that it's because she won employee of the month :-).

In the meantime, Bill is being a total creep and has been telling lies about how he was the last one to sleep with Jen before she died.

Okay now you're ready to see the clip :-).

IT Crowd. TOTALLY funny!


Posted by Unknown | 3:20 PM | 0 Comments |
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