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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Constantine part 2
Current Mood:

In the movie Constantine, I liked:
- how they made Constantine live at the end. I've seen too many other movies where someone who used to be bad would die a selfless death and that would automically get them into heaven. I liked that Constantine didn't get the easy way out; that he would have to prove himself everyday.
- how they casted Lucifer. He acted his part well :-).
- the scene where the priest dies and the store clerk was actually an angel. I never would've guessed :-).
- the way they animated the angels' wings--makes me wish I had wings :-).
- how they had established, and even had it written in the devil's bible, that evil brings evil upon itself. Satan couldn't even trust his own son. Now that I think about it though, good has to watch out for the radical types on their side, too :-).
Posted by Unknown |
5:14 AM |

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